SkiForecast app

SkiForecast App

SkiForecast is a geolocation mobile application that allows users to view the weather conditions at over 800 ski resorts throughout Europe. The key goal for this app was to develop a simple user experience that will enable users to check all the relevant information about their desired ski resort and to quickly access information about that ski resort.



UI Design, UX Design, Prototyping



Winter sports are popular among all age groups, but there has been significant upward shift in the younger demographic hitting the European slopes and enjoying their preferred winter sports. Based on user research conducted by the website, it was concluded that the majority of ski resort goers visited multiple ski resorts in one season, so they desired to include favourites list feature.


After the initial workshop with the product owners at and mapping the desired functionalities and features for the mobile application, I was put in charge of developing user flows and the wireframes of the apps features. The main goal was to keep the app simple and with as smooth and easy a navigation as possible. The big focus was on the initial screen of the app, where all the relevant information about the ski resort would be presented.

Another important function to implement was the search functionality, which needed to be easily accessible and very straightforward. Access to the search function was put on the top of the app where the user can access the search bar very quickly.

The favourites list function of the app allows users to save up to 10 of their favourite ski resorts, which would then be easily accessible by swiping left or right from the home screen. Also, for each ski resort, the user can swipe left and right to see the weather forecast for next 7 days.

SkiForecast wireframe

App wireframe and user flow. Showing the app functionalities like Favorite places, Search, Home Screen.

App wireframe and user flow. Showing the app functionalities like Favorite places, Search, Home Screen.


When all the main functions were defined and the user flows were developed I proceed to design the user interface for the app. I always start with pen and paper to sketch my initial ideas regarding user interface and then translate those into a more detailed design using Photoshop.

In order to keep information easily readable I used high contrast elements and icons. This enables the user to have a glance at the home screen of the app and glean the relevant information about the weather conditions quickly.

SkiForecast home screen

See your Favorite ski resorts with a swipe. Up to 10 ski resorts can be added.

See your Favorite ski resorts with a swipe. Up to 10 ski resorts can be added.

SkiForecast days

Tap left or right arrow to see forcast. See detailed weather forecast for the upcoming days.

SkiForecast map and search

Other screen designs. Search and Map view.

Other screen designs. Search and Map view.

SkiForecast icon

App icon. I designed the app icon that is used in the app stores.

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